Furnance Replacement: When Is It Time?
Posted on:
24 October 2022
As a homeowner, you want to make sure that you are staying on top of how well your furnace is functioning, especially if the temperatures in your region drop to dangerous levels. The last thing you want is to find yourself fighting to stay warm in the middle of a freezing winter night because the furnace finally stopped working for the final time. Here are some of the furnace issues you will want to take as signs that it is time for a furnace replacement:
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Why Is Your Heating System's Pilot Light Not Remaining On? Find Out
Posted on:
30 September 2022
Although many furnace manufacturers incorporate electronic ignition, older units use a standing pilot flame to start the system. Thus, if the pilot light goes out, the heating system does not ignite the light for the gas burner. This creates an uncomfortable atmosphere that may be unbearable for your home's occupants. Therefore, you need to engage the services of an HVAC specialist to inspect and diagnose the issue. They establish the cause of the malfunction and remedy it for peak functionality.
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4 Circumstances When You May Need Heating System Repair Services
Posted on:
15 September 2022
If you're like many homeowners who experience low temperatures during some seasons, you may understand the necessity to have your heating system properly maintained. However, many homeowners don't realize that their systems are in need of repair until they begin to experience difficulty. Unfortunately, if your furnace breaks down, it may put you at risk of costly restoration services or the installation of a new unit altogether. You can avoid this by hiring an electrician to check your system regularly.
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4 Common Thermostat Issues That Can Affect The Functionality Of Your AC System
Posted on:
26 August 2022
A thermostat that is functioning as desired is crucial for any home that has a cooling system installed. However, most people don't realize that issues with the temperature regulator can result in multiple problems to the whole system and affect its performance. For this reason, you should have the temperature regulator inspected and fixed by a professional AC repairer to avoid costly overhauls and replacements. Below are some thermostat problems that might affect the performance of your aircon.
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